Dr. Hany Edward
Consultant Nephrology & General Medicine
MRCP UKFRCPEdin Consultant Nephrology and General Medicine Graduated from Kasr El Einy Medical School 1983 Msc General Medicine 1990 MRCP UK 1994 FRCPEdin 2004 Work and training in the UK from 1991 till 1996: 1- Senior house officer in Nephrology at St Jamses University Hospital in leeds (1991-1992). 2- Senior house officer and registrar of Internal Medicine at the Manor Hospital, Wallsal, The Midlands (1992-1994). 3- Senior Registrar of Renal and General Medicine at St Mary’s teaching Hospital and the Wessex Renal and Transplant Unit at Portsmouth (1994-1996). Consultant of Nephrology and General Medicine and Head of Internal Medicine Department at Al Mouwasat Hospital, Damam Saudi Arabia. I also started the Nephrology and Dailysis Unit at this highly reputable Hospital (1997-2000). Consultant of Nephrology and General Medicine at: Al Sahel Teaching Hospital Al Salam Al Mohandesseen Hospital Al Hayat Hospital Heliopolis Examiner for the Royal College of Physicians at the PACES MRCP general Medicine postgraduate exam since 2004. He has a long experience in General Medicine with all specialties. And has a particular experience in Renal Medicine, Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation. He also has a long experience and special interest in Immunological disorders and in particular Systemic Lupus Erythromatosis